How to Treat Mouth Sores From Braces

January 10, 2023

How to Treat Mouth Sores From Braces

Braces mouth sores, to put it plainly, simply suck. A sore from braces can add to the already uncomfortable feeling of having metal in your mouth. Soreness from braces is often caused by the rubbing of wires, brackets or bands against the cheeks, tongue and lips.

Thankfully, there are a few steps you can take to alleviate soreness and any sore from braces and help reduce pain and swelling. Keep reading to learn what you need to know about how to treat mouth sores from braces.

Can Braces Cause Canker Sores?

But first, you might want to know... Can braces cause canker sores? The short answer is yes, braces can cause oral mucosal lesions (canker sores) in some patients. As the brackets and wires of braces rubagainst the inside of your mouth, they can irritate the delicate tissue in your mouth, leading to canker sores.

Braces can also make existing canker sores worse by making them more difficult to treat. It’s important to take steps to reduce canker sores caused by braces and prevent further irritation.

What is a Canker Sore?

Before we get into that, though, you may also want to know... what the heck is a canker sore? A canker sore is a shallow, painful ulcer that appears on the soft tissues inside your mouth. Canker sores are not contagious and range in size from small lesions to large, open wounds.

How to Get Rid of Canker Sores From Braces

Now, for the good stuff... How to get rid of canker sores from braces:

Swish saltwater solution in your mouth

Rinse your mouth with a saltwater solution. This will reduce the pain, swelling and irritation that can be caused by braces rubbing against the skin in your mouth.

Use topical gels or creams

Apply topical gels or creams, such as numbing agents, to the affected area. Topical treatment can provide relief from pain and skin irritation caused by braces rubbing against your mouth.

Avoid eating hard, crunchy foods

Try to limit the amount of hard, crunchy foods you eat. These types of foods can be abrasive on the delicate tissues in your mouth that have been irritated by braces. Stick with softer, gentler foods such as mashed potatoes and soup.

Visit your dentist or orthodontist

Be sure to visit your dentist regularly for check-ups and adjustments. Your dentist will be able to assess any problems you are having due to braces and make necessary changes to reduce mouth soreness caused by them.

Keep the area clean

Make sure to keep your teeth and mouth as clean as possible. Brushing twice a day and flossing regularly will help reduce irritation from food particles that get stuck in braces. Additionally, swish with an antibacterial mouthwash after eating or drinking to further reduce the risk of infection.

By following these simple steps you can help reduce mouth soreness caused by braces and make life with them just a bit more bearable. Good luck!

Preventing Sores in Mouth From Braces

In addition to the steps you can take to treat a mouth sore from braces, there are also steps you can take to help you prevent them from happening in the first place.

Keep your braces clean and adjusted

Be sure to keep your braces clean at all times. Brushing and flossing regularly, as well as using a mouthwash, will help keep food particles from getting stuck in the brackets or wires of your braces. Additionally, make sure to visit your dentist for regular check-ups and adjustments.

Eat softer foods

Eating harder, crunchy or abrasive foods can put more stress on the metal parts of your braces which can lead to soreness. Try eating softer foods such as mashed potatoes or soup to reduce discomfort caused by braces rubbing against the skin in your mouth.

Wear a brace protector

You can also consider wearing a brace protector while you sleep. This is a mouthguard-like device that covers the brackets and wires of your braces to prevent them from rubbing against your skin while you sleep.

Follow all instructions given by your dentist or orthodontist

Finally, it’s important to always follow all instructions given by your dentist or orthodontist when it comes to maintaining and adjusting your braces. Doing this will ensure that they are properly adjusted, which will lower the risk of irritation caused by the metal parts of braces rubbing against your skin.

By taking preventive steps, you can help reduce the potential of developing mouth sores from braces and make life with them just a bit more enjoyable. Good luck!

Conclusion: Braces Cause Canker Sores 

Braces can cause a range of ailments, from mild irritation like canker sores to more severe issues like gum disease. Canker sores are one of the most common issues caused by braces and can be both painful and uncomfortable. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to treat these sores as well as prevent them from happening in the first place.

A mouth sore from braces can be caused by rubbing against skin can be treated with a variety of methods, such as saltwater rinse, topical gels or creams and avoiding hard, crunchy foods. Additionally, it’s important to keep the area clean and to visit your dentist or orthodontist regularly for check-ups and adjustments.

Furthermore, preventive steps such as keeping your braces clean and adjusted, eating softer foods, wearing a brace protector while sleeping and following all instructions from your dentist or orthodontist can help reduce the potential of developing a mouth sore from braces.

By taking care of your oral health and being mindful of how your braces fit and feel in your mouth, you can prevent any major problems from occurring.


Are you in the Tucson, Arizona, area and in need of orthodontic care? Then don't hesitate to schedule your smile assessment with Wilde Orthodontics. Dr. Brian Wilde is a board-certified orthodontist by the American Association of Orthodontics.

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